Factors Affecting Students Perception towards Teaching Faculty Evaluation at University of Malakand


Zahid Khan
Jawad Hussain
Arshad Ali
Sidra Ali


In the present study we identify the factors affecting students’ perception towards teaching faculty evaluation in University of Malakand. Stratified random sampling is used to identify the students. Academics faculties are considered as strata. Sample is selected by equal allocation method from each stratum. Information from the selected students is collected by a structure questionnaire. The necessary characteristics are presented by table. In order to find the significant factors affecting faculty evaluation logistic regression model is used. The result shows that good relation of students with faculty members, teaching method, and qualification of faculty members are significantly associated with faculty evaluation. Faculty should try to make good relationship with students and should focus on their teaching method. University administration should hire faculty having higher qualification.


How to Cite
Khan, Z., Hussain, J. , Ali, A. and Ali, S. 2022. Factors Affecting Students Perception towards Teaching Faculty Evaluation at University of Malakand. Journal of Policy Research. 8, 2 (Aug. 2022), 115–118. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7633119.