Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of Workplace Stress Scale for Pakistani Police Investigation Personnel
To assess job stress among police investigation personnel, the present study purports to translate and validate the workplace stress scale (WPSS) for Pakistani Police investigation Personnel. For this purpose, International Test Commission (ITC) guidelines for translation, adaptation, and validation were used. The sample was taken from all districts of Punjab Pakistan and N=300 police investigation personnel were recruited from police stations of Punjab Province. Moreover, factor structure, internal consistency, content validity, face validity, and convergent validity were examined for Urdu version of the Workplace Stress Scale. Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and valdity analysis were done by using AMOS 21 v and SPSS 26 v respectively. The findings of this study demonstrate unimodal Workplace Stress Scale is culturally adapted for Pakistani Police Personnel. The values of χ²/df =1.26, GFI=.97, CFA= .99, and RMSEA=.03 indicated good model fit. Moreover, the construct validity and reliability (α=.90) of WPSS are also shown favorable results. Additionally, the WPSS demonstrated favorable results in terms of construct validity and reliability. Despite all the shortcomings and restrictions, police investigators perform a vital role in preserving the rule of law in society. Due to the nature of the demanding job, many police investigation personnel feel stressed. So, the Urdu-translated version of the Workplace Stress Scale (WPSS) will be helpful to gauge the degree of job stress among Police Investigation Personnel.

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