Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the components of Brand Equity: A study of multichannel banking in the context of Pakistani Banks


Faisal Masud
Dr. Ali Raza Hamid


This research seeks to investigate the influence of four CSR dimensions on brand equity in the banking sector of Pakistan. A quantitative research methodology was utilized to gather data, whereby a random sample of banking customers were approached as they exited a branch subsequent to completing a transaction. The implementation of a swift post-transaction mode was deemed effective in mitigating the challenge of inadequate customer social responsibility (CSR) awareness. This approach was based on the premise that the customer's most recent branch visit and transaction experience could serve as a prompt to recall their bank's CSR initiatives. The study gathered data from banks located in Islamabad, which serves as the capital city of Pakistan. The findings based on structural equation modelling indicate a statistically significant association with CSR dimensions and brand equity. The present study has significantly contributed to the banking industry of Pakistan.


How to Cite
Masud, F. and Hamid, A.R. 2023. Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the components of Brand Equity: A study of multichannel banking in the context of Pakistani Banks. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 2 (Jun. 2023), 433–442. DOI: