The Role of Civil Society in Local Governance and Service Delivery: An Analysis of Local Government System of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Dr. Tariq Ullah
Dr. Sana Ullah
Nasar Khan
Mubasher Basharat Ellahi


The concept of civility and civil society has its roots in ancient societies and it has been recognized an important mechanism for development and service delivery across the world. Civil society refers to the process and network through which groups, organizations and individuals negotiate, argue, struggle against, or agree with political and economic administration. Civil society engages people and communities and provides them a platform where they can directly or indirectly analyze and criticize the existing institutions and service delivery system and usually takes step to improve it. Civil society provides a setting and action taking place that aspire and represents people and create an alternative for groups, communities and unions in this postmodern world. This study aims at exploring the role of civil society in local governance particularly service delivery in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study was carried out in three districts including Abbottabad, Charsadda and Dir Upper of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Primary data was collected from a sample of 30 respondents representing different categories i.e. local government officials, elected representatives, civil society activists and general community. Further, data was collected through semi-structured interview, using interview guide, while the selection of sample was made conveniently. The data was passed through different phases and a thematic discussion was generated to clarify the study under question, derive findings and conclusion. The study concludes that civil society plays a vital role in local governance and it has been an integral tool for promoting service delivery. 


How to Cite
Ullah, T. , Ullah, S. , Khan, N. and Ellahi, M.B. 2023. The Role of Civil Society in Local Governance and Service Delivery: An Analysis of Local Government System of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 2 (Aug. 2023), 540–547. DOI: