Unraveling Enchantments and Demystification of Narrative: A Magical Feminist Reading of Nafisa Rizvi’s Fiction
This paper investigates how Rizvi’s magical feminist technique has been incorporated in her novel The Blue Room (TBR). The research indicates that magical feminist texts undermine colonial/patriarchal tenets. This feminist literary study employs magical realist strategies to make the commonplace spectacular, the unbelievable believable, and the inconceivable conceivable. Magical feminism informs feminist discourse as a subgenre of magical realism. I am using Patricia Hart’s concept of magical feminism to analyze the primary text. I also invoke Wendy B. Faris’ definitions to read magical realist text. This paper further explores how woman is used and traded. TBR protagonist Zaib battles patriarchy in several ways. This study may advance magical feminist knowledge.
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