Exploring Constructs for Scale (PCOS-HRQOL) Based on Conscious and Unconscious Experiences of Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
To explore the constructs for the development of health related quality of life scale (PCOS-HRQOL) based on conscious and unconscious experiences of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome by identifying themes and psychological needs. Less data is available in the domain of qualitative research for providing a ground work for the development of health related quality of life scale for women with polycystic ovary syndrome using projective techniques i.e. Thematic Apperception Test, Modified Hand Test and Focus Groups. A qualitative study consisting of interpretive phenomenological analysis was conducted on women recruited from public and private sector hospitals of Islamabad. It was based on transcriptions obtained from thematic analysis and focus groups in order to highlight conscious and unconscious experiences of these women. Common themes and sub-themes identified through thematic analysis of subjects using cards of Thematic Apperception Test (for unconscious experiences) and using Focus Groups (for conscious experiences). Ten themes and sub-themes projected in women included: depressive states, conflict with authority, conflict with spouse, aggression, obsessive preoccupations, economic deprivations, health anxiety, self-image, social anxiety and altruistic behavior. Nine psychological needs included need for achievement, affiliation, autonomy and independence, blame and avoidance, dominance, compliance, succorance, nurturance and altruism, approval and recognition. Clear and significant similarities are seen through projections of women on Thematic Apperception Test and focus groups. Women with age range 26-35 years are more prone towards having psychological states that affect their physical as well as psychological health related quality of life.

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