Health Expenditure, Family Planning, and Infant Mortality in Punjab


Abdul Rauf
Arif Khan
Muhammad Faiz Mehdi


This paper examines the relationship between IMRs and different independent variables. The Augmented Dickey fuller test and unit root test is used for examining the stationarity of the variables. The results obtained from employing the Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model show a strong negative relation between health expenditure and IMRs. We also find a strong negative relationship between IMRs and female enrollment, unemployment, inflation, lady health visitors, and rural health Centre. To analyze the mortality rate, time-series data models are estimated using for the period 1975-2015.


How to Cite
Rauf, A. , Khan, A. and Mehdi, M.F. 2021. Health Expenditure, Family Planning, and Infant Mortality in Punjab. Journal of Policy Research. 7, 4 (Dec. 2021), 1–10.