Financing and Marketing Dynamics of Brand Loyalty and Consumer Satisfaction in Pakistan
This study investigates the pivotal proxies influencing Aaker's brand loyalty model, focusing on both a general fashion brand context and, more specifically, a Pakistani fashion brand, Nishat Linen. The study examines indicators such as brand image, customer satisfaction, brand differentiation/personality, salesperson personality, service and product qualities, and product price to discern their potential impacts on brand loyalty within the outlined fashion brand framework. A total of 312 responses were collected via restricted non-probability sampling to scrutinize the hypotheses posited in this study. The findings substantiate that both the brand image and salesperson personality wield a significant and positive influence on brand loyalty and consumer satisfaction at t > 1.5, particularly in the case of Nishat Linen. Notably, consumer satisfaction emerges as the most influential factor in shaping brand loyalty at t > 1.5 for this brand. Additionally, the study underscores that the personality of the salesperson, and the differentiation of the brand, which contributes to its overall personality, also hold significance for consumer satisfaction at the same t > 1.5. In conclusion, this research provides valuable insights into the determinants of brand loyalty in the context of a fashion brand, shedding light on the specific relevance of brand image, salesperson personality, and consumer satisfaction for brand loyalty.

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