A Study to Analyze the Fossilized Spelling Errors in Compositions of Second Language Learners at Intermediate Level
The errors committed by second language learners in their compositions have been the focus of current studies of second language acquisition, as these errors anticipate the difficulties faced by them in second language learning. The focus of this paper is to display the common errors in ESL compositions by intermediate students and the reasons behind these errors. Data for this paper was gathered through the administration of a questionnaire followed by a self-written composition. The analysis of the data was based on the classification of errors according to different aspects like vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, and grammar syntax. Subsequently, the qualitative data was then quantified. The results reveal that errors are inevitable. Gaining insight into errors would therefore highlight the difficulty faced by learners in L2 learning. It is therefore proposed that the learners must have sufficient exposure and training in L2 to incorporate language rules and to minimize the possibility of errors in their compositions. This paper can also help the teachers to be more conscious of the most common errors committed by intermediate students and to help the students get over the concepts in English that are difficult and problematic for them by offering relevant activities and practice material.
Keywords: Errors, Composition, Second Language Learners, Accuracy

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