Effect of Green Brand Packaging on Green Brand Image: Mediating Role of Green Brand Association and Green Brand Advertising in the Context of Green Apparel Brand
The notion of green brand packaging in Pakistani textile brands remains very inadequate. Therefore, using the stimulus organism response model (SOR) as a basis, this research examines the influence of green brand packaging on green brand image for the Pakistani clothing sector and determines the mediated role of green brand advertising and green brand association. Purposive sampling was used in the approach to gather data from 446 Pakistani clothing consumers. The questionnaires were delivered to consumers of apparel brands at malls and well-known marketplaces in Pakistan, including Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan, and Bahawalpur. The investigation was carried out using structural equation modelling with partial least squares. and SPSS. The outcomes of our research demonstrate that green brand association, packaging, and advertising all have an impact on green brand image of apparel brands. A detailed discussion will be held about the results' theoretical and practical implications.

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