Financial Literacy and Investment Intention in Financial Assets: A systematic Literature Review Synthesis


Hina Agha
Dr Mubashir Ali Khan


The purpose of this study is to contribute through highlighting importance of FL while investments in financial assets. In this study, we use systematic literature review approach to evaluate the impact of FL on investment intention in financial assets. This review has many conceptual and theoretical implication as it provides a deep understanding of impact of FL on investment intention, which could be very useful for finance practitioners. More specifically,  the study aims to provide useful information to strategist in financial firms, advisors to state, investors who trade on the stock exchange, fund  managers, financial analyst and strategist, investment bankers, traders/brokers at the stock exchange, policymakers, academics and market players to make effective decisions, as well as provide suggestions for potential future actions for the government to encourage investment by households by understanding the nature of their problems. This study contributed conceptually as one of the few and authentic SLRs which highlights the importance of FL influence on financial assets investment intentions by presenting the authentic and contemporary published literature on the specific subject.


How to Cite
Agha, H. and Khan, D.M.A. 2023. Financial Literacy and Investment Intention in Financial Assets: A systematic Literature Review Synthesis. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 3 (Sep. 2023), 213–222. DOI:


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