Predicting Educational and Career Success: A Comprehensive Study of Personality Traits and Intelligence in University Students
In university years, personality traits are the main aspect of boosting personality grooming, academic growth, profession, and intelligence. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate the relationship between personality types and levels of intelligence among university students. In this cross-sectional study, the sample was collected from different colleges and universities. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect the data from students of (N = 300) which included two categories: disciplines of courses, i.e., science (n = 150) and arts (n = 150), and graduation (n = 150) and post-graduation (n = 150), respectively, through Revised NEO Personality Inventory and Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices Test. The collected data was prepared for statistical analysis and analysed using SPSS, Version 26. The data showed that science students are smarter than arts students, and their personality types differ. Graduate students had similar personality patterns, whereas course students had significant disparities in intellect and personality types. Neurotic people scored lower on intelligence than conscientiousness participants. Students from the science group score more on intelligence than arts students, while post-graduate students score higher than graduates. Personalities differ in both comparison groups. Distinct courses have different intelligences and personalities.

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