Nexus between Gender Inequality and Income Inequality


Qasim Abbasi
Bilal Khokar


This paper examines the nexus of Gender Inequality and Income Inequality and their impacts on the economy of Pakistan. Gender inequality and income inequality are caused by unemployment, poverty, and lack of education/ information. I investigate the effect of Gender inequality on poverty, unemployment, Gini, and Labor force participation. The Augmented Dickey fuller test and Unit root test is used for examining the stationarity of the variables. The Autoregressive Distributed lag (ARDL) model is used for analyzing the co-integration among the variables of the model. The result of the model shows that Unemployment has a negative and significant relationship with Gender inequality.  Poverty has a positive and significant relation with Gender inequality and Gini has a negative and significant relationship with gender inequality. The gender inequality and income inequality structure for 1985 to 2016 in which all estimations are done.


How to Cite
Abbasi, Q. and Khokar, B. 2021. Nexus between Gender Inequality and Income Inequality. Journal of Policy Research. 7, 4 (Dec. 2021), 41–49.