Role of Family Environment in Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety in Adolescents
The family environment incorporates the conditions and social environment circumstances inside families. Families where guardians are extremely strict and do not offer the youngsters opportunity to express, as a result their kids demonstrate low self-regard and poor association with society. In this manner, the present investigation was directed with a specific end goal to look at the relationship between family environment, self-esteem and social anxiety among adolescents. A sample comprised of 270 adolescents 110 boys and 160 girls of 9th and 10th grade were selected through convenient sampling technique. Family Environment Scale, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale and Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents were used to assess study variables. Results revealed system maintenance negatively predicted social anxiety. Moreover, family relationships and system maintenance positively predicted self-esteem. Self-esteem did not mediate the relation between family relationships, personal growth, and system maintenance with social anxiety in adolescents. This study is important for adolescents counselling.
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