Mystery of Female Homicide Offenders: Criminal Justice Practitioners' Perspective
This study examines female homicide offenders from the perspective of criminal justice practitioners, with a particular emphasis on the offender's traits and motives that may have an impact on the homicide and the circumstances surrounding the violent homicide act. following a theoretical analysis, the empirical part presents the research findings by using an integrated research methodology that includes data collection and interpretation through applying a single pen portrait qualitative analysis technique. The information was gathered from in-depth interviews with criminal justice practitioners including Judges, Prosecutors and Police Officials. and also examined additional information shown or provided by them as form of documents like First Information Reports (FIRs) and investigation reports regarding homicide cases. The data detected and identified the forms of brutal act exhibited, the social contexts and situations in which female offenders were placed as convicted. The typology, pattern and techniques of homicide based on the motives behind. The findings showed that prototype of homicides committed by the females, majority were responsible for spouse killing and some close family relatives and other individuals well-known to them. Furthermore, inferences made and indicated that they have Lack of capital assets, deprived of social and legal rights and a history of aggressive behavior are the most frequent causes.

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