Exploring Restaurant Patronage Behaviour in Pakistan: The Influence of Satiation, Alternative Attractiveness, and Word of Mouth with Place Attachment as a Moderator
This study investigates the interplay of satiation, alternative attractiveness, and place attachment on restaurant switching intentions in Pakistan, with a focus on the moderating role of place attachment. Additionally, it examines how switching intentions impact word-of-mouth and patronage behaviour. Data from 239 restaurant customers were collected via online surveys and analysed using SPSS 27.0 and Smart PLS 4.0 through Covariance-based Structural Equation Modelling (CB-SEM). Findings indicate that customer satiation significantly heightens switching intentions, while alternative attractiveness has a non-significant effect. Place attachment moderates these relationships, attenuating the positive impact of satiation on switching intentions and mitigating the negative impact of alternative attractiveness. Moreover, switching intentions positively influence word-of-mouth but do not significantly affect patronage behaviour. Implications for the Pakistani restaurant industry include enhancing customer satiation, exploring alternative attractiveness, fostering place attachment, leveraging word-of-mouth for promotion, and understanding the disconnect between switching intentions and patronage behaviour. Limitations pertain to the study's generalizability across cultures, suggesting future research directions focusing on diverse samples, cross-cultural settings, mixed-methods approaches, specific intervention strategies, and the influence of external variables such as economic conditions or public health emergencies on customer behaviour. This study contributes novel insights into the moderating role of place attachment and the complex dynamics among switching intentions, word-of-mouth, and patronage behaviour within the context of Pakistani restaurants.

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