From Data Backup to Data Restoration: A Research Strategy and Policy


Waleed Younus


In an increasingly digital business environment, backing up data is essential for an organization. An unsafe computer program can ruin your hard-earned information. In today's digital landscape, where data plays a crucial role in the success and continuity of businesses and organizations, ensuring its safety and availability is of paramount importance. Data backup and restoration are essential components of any robust IT strategy, as they provide safeguards against data loss, system failures, natural disasters, or malicious attacks. Backup is a practice that combines strategies and solutions to make a backup effective and inexpensive. Data is copied to one or more locations, with pre-determined frequencies, and with varying intensity. Set up a flexible backup job, use your architecture, or use available backup solutions as a (BaaS) backup, and mix them with local storage. Data restoration, on the other hand, involves a set of policies, tools, and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster. It focuses on restoring IT operations critical to the resumption of business. Policies are high-level statements that are equal to organizational scope and drive the decision-making process within the organization. In this research paper, we explain different aspects of Data Backup and Restoration in organizations. This practice ensures that in the event of hardware failure, accidental deletion, or mishandling, data backup and restoration policy guide in quick resume of essential data for normal operations.


How to Cite
Younus, W. 2021. From Data Backup to Data Restoration: A Research Strategy and Policy. Journal of Policy Research. 7, 4 (Dec. 2021), 50–53.


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