Impact of Video Content Marketing on Consumer Engagement


Abdul Saleem
Rashid Mehmood
Ayman Taj
Muhammad Umair Khalid
Aliza Moiz
Asadullah Lakho


The purpose of this research proposal is to examine how customer engagement in the context of digital marketing is affected by video content marketing. Given the rapid expansion of digital media and the popularity of short video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, it is critical for businesses to comprehend how video content affects customer behavior. In addition to highlighting a research gap concerning the precise processes via which video content influences consumer engagement, the proposal offers a thorough evaluation of the body of work already written on content marketing and consumer engagement. The study suggests a quantitative research approach that includes factor analysis and regression analysis as well as survey-based data collecting and analysis. The results of this study may improve our comprehension of how video content marketing contributes to customer retention, brand loyalty, and general consumer engagement.


How to Cite
Saleem, A. , Mehmood, R. , Taj, A. , Khalid, M.U. , Moiz , A. and Lakho, A. 2024. Impact of Video Content Marketing on Consumer Engagement. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 3 (Sep. 2024), 83–95. DOI:


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