Body Image Dissatisfaction is the Predictor of Social Physique Anxiety and Self- Esteem


Ghulam Aysha
Niaz Ahmad
Mariam Umair


The objective of the current research was to explore the relationship among body image dissatisfaction, social physique anxiety, and self-esteem. The sample included 145 males and 145 females from The University of Lahore and University of Sargodha. The Sample was selected through stratified random sampling technique. In this study survey research design and co relational method were used. Body image state scale (Cash et all, 2002) Social Physique Anxiety Scale (Hart et a1, 1989) and Rosenberg self-esteem scale (1989) were used to collect data. Study was carried out in two parts. In part-I pilot study was conducted to examine the psychometric properties of the scales and correlation of variables on a selected sample of 72 university students. In part-II main study on sample of 290 was conducted to test the hypotheses. The findings indicated that body image dissatisfaction positively predicted social physique anxiety and negatively predicted self-esteem.


How to Cite
Aysha, G. , Ahmad, N. and Umair, M. 2024. Body Image Dissatisfaction is the Predictor of Social Physique Anxiety and Self- Esteem. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 3 (Sep. 2024), 117–122. DOI:


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