Exploring Self-Actualization in Pir-e-Kamil by Umera Ahmad: A Journey of Protagonists' Personal Growth and Spiritual Fulfillment


Ammara Maqsood
Dr. Maryam Bashir


This research explores the theme of self-actualization, and uses the characters of Imama Hashim, a Qadiani girl, and Salaar Sikander, a Muslim boy-genius from Pir-e-Kamil (The Perfect Mentor) by Umera Ahmad for analysis. It analyses how they foster the path to self-actualisation which is the fifth level of the Maslow’s needs pyramid where one seeks to become all they can be. Their journey is showcased when it comes to their findings and transformation, which include faith/trust, divine love, أَمْرُ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ and the role of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in Islam. Sourcing data from the texts, the study employs qualitative and analytical research to actualize the relevance of Maslow’s Self- Actualization Theory as it captures the achievement of character fulfillment within the lenses of psychological and Islamic perspective.


How to Cite
Maqsood, A. and Bashir, D.M. 2024. Exploring Self-Actualization in Pir-e-Kamil by Umera Ahmad: A Journey of Protagonists’ Personal Growth and Spiritual Fulfillment. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 3 (Sep. 2024), 188–191. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00335.


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