A Mixed-Method Study of the Types of Teacher-Student Interactions that Could Contribute to Pakistani EFL University Students’ Foreign Language Anxiety
Anxiety strongly affects students’ language learning and some students may even abandon their studies due to anxiety (Toubot & Seng, 2018). Studies conducted in the Pakistani context consistently indicate that the majority of Pakistani students feel language anxiety (Malik et al., 2020; Marwan, 2016). On the other hand, Pakistani students have a big instrumental motivation to learn English because the acquisition of this language promises a bright career. Thus, it seems imperative to address students’ anxiety in order to provide them with a comfortable classroom atmosphere so that they may learn English effectively and successfully. The literature shows that studies on anxiety conducted in varying contexts, target languages, and proficiency levels, consistently indicate that teachers can play a central role in the level of anxiety students experience in class. Although studies strongly report that teacher is a major source of students’ anxiety, there seems to be a relative paucity of studies focusing on this source of anxiety specifically and in-depth. The current study aims to explore types of teacher-student interactions could contribute to Pakistani EFL university students’ foreign language anxiety. The study utilised both quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (in-depth semi sutured interviews and classroom observations) methods to collect the data. Postgraduate Pakistani non-English major students from five Pakistani public sector universities were recruited as participants. Sample for interviews consisted of 20 students while sample for questionnaire consisted of 170 students. The data suggested five sources of anxiety that can be associated with teacher-student interactions namely, strict teachers, teaching methodology, a formal classroom environment, concern about mistakes, and lack of student voice. Finally, implications of the study will be highlighted.

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