An Exploration of Patriarchal Dominance Through Discourse in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
This study aims at investigating patriarchal elements in The Scarlet Letter by applying the tool of Fairclough’s 3D model. Research is qualitative in nature. This study has tried to investigate the logical association between language and society. It seeks to find out different effects of language through which one can learn about language and power relation. Likewise, the study argues that there is a close relationship between discourse, ideology and portrayal of characters in the social context. Through Critical Discourse Analysis of the selected text, the power of language has been identified. Additionally, the hidden agenda which is vivid in this discourse is also implicit. It has been found in the study that society devalues women and demeans their existence. Similarly, the patriarchy demolishes women’s ability for creation, uniqueness and self-independency. Moreover, author of the selected text Scarlet Letter has revealed the atrocities of patriarchy and masculine hegemony through the medium of language. For instance, Hester Prynne accepts the shame of adultery but Dimmesdale (her male counterpart) stands silent and successfully hides himself before society. Critical Discourse Analysis is the broader field of study hence can be applied on variety of literary texts such as Henrik Ibsen’s Doll’s House and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice for bridging two fields of literature and linguistics.

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