Examining Progress on Sustainable Development Goals Across Regions through an Intertemporal Lens
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the set of global goals adopted by world countries under the common 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UN 193 signatory countries pledged to a common development agenda to achieve economic prosperity, social uplift, environmental restoration, and better governance. Sustainable development is an essential goal that is intrinsically linked to the survival of the individual, society, environment, countries, nations, and the world. It promises peace, prosperity, people, and planet safety for all. The aim of SDGs is to ensure wellbeing for present and future generations through sustainable consumption of the given endowments. SDGs try to establish a balance between economic growth, environmental protection and social wellbeing. The key principle of sustainable development is the idea that all aspects of human society are interconnected and dependent on the health and vitality of the natural endowments. This research presents an intertemporal analysis of the SDGs index over a 20-year period. The study found that the SDGs index for underdeveloped countries has been rising slowly over time, while developed countries are already in a safe zone where sustainable development is ensured.

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