The Relationship between Different Levels of Education and Income Earnings: A Case Study of Islamia College Peshawar


Altaf Hussain
Waheed Ullah
Afrasyiab Farooq
Malik Muhammad Usman Awan


The objective of this paper is to find out that how different levels of education effect income earnings of the people at Islamia College Peshawar. For this purpose, cross sectional data was collected from 40 respondents employed in different departments at Islamia College Peshawar. The result shows that higher education leads to higher level of income. On the basis of study it is suggested that the public expenditures should be increase on education so that the quality as well as the quantity of education should increase which will leads to higher employment level as a result the living standards of the people will also be improved.


How to Cite
Hussain, A., Ullah, W., Farooq, A. and Usman Awan, M.M. 2023. The Relationship between Different Levels of Education and Income Earnings: A Case Study of Islamia College Peshawar. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 4 (Dec. 2023), 54–59. DOI:


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