Adoption of M-Commerce Amongst Pakistani Consumers: By Using TAM with Effect of Social Influence and Mobile Self-Efficacy


Farah Naz
Safeer Haider
Shakeel Ahmed


M-commerce, or mobile commerce, has gained popularity due to its expanded possibilities over Electronic commerce, which has been growing at a far faster pace because to the Covid-19 outbreak in Pakistan. The utilization of wireless technologies has increased in the M-commerce sector. There are more mobile phone users than personal computer users. In spite of Pakistan's apparent interest in M-commerce as a means of trade, nothing is known about the country's citizens' desire to utilize this new wireless electronic platform. Thus, customers' behavioral intention to use m-commerce has been investigated using an improved technology acceptance model (TAM) that takes into account the consequences of social influence and mobile self-efficacy. The sample size for this study was 220 people from Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and Multan, which is a statistically significant number. A variety of statistical techniques, including factor and reliability analysis as well as correlation and regression, were used to examine the data by using SPSS version 19. Customers' attitudes toward adopting M-commerce are positively influenced by their perceptions of its utility, ease of use, social influence, and personal efficacy on their mobile devices, according to this study, which also found a link between these factors and their behavioral intent to use M-commerce.


How to Cite
Naz, F., Haider, S. and Ahmed, S. 2023. Adoption of M-Commerce Amongst Pakistani Consumers: By Using TAM with Effect of Social Influence and Mobile Self-Efficacy. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 4 (Dec. 2023), 303–317. DOI:


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