Comparative Analysis of Gender Responsive Pedagogy Practices in United Kingdom and Pakistan: A Mixed Method Approach
The current paper aimed to investigate the of Gender responsive pedagogy practices in United Kingdom and Pakistan. The study was mixed method in nature. Therefore, convergent parallel design was used. The study was conducted in County Durham, UK and District Abbottabad, Pakistan. A sample of 453 teachers (269 from UK and 184 from Pakistan) and 1165 students (825 from UK and 340 from Pakistan) were selected through stratified sampling method by using Yamane (1967) sample formula. Twelve (12) individuals (6 from UK and 6 from Pakistan) were selected for qualitative data collection. Close ended questionnaire was used including item related to GRP. An open-ended questionnaire was developed by the researcher. There were twenty questions on the open-ended survey. These tools pertain to how students view the promotion of GRP and the growth of life skills among themselves. Content validation was done through experts’ feedback whereas reliability of the tools was done through Cronbach alpha which estimated .850 for close ended and .868 for open ended. Independent sample t-test was to compare the views of teachers and students of UK and Pakistan while thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. The study concluded quantitative and qualitative data reveals that UK uses gender response pedagogy education much more than Pakistan does. The spoken and written language proficiency of the British educators was superior to that of the Pakistani educators. In the UK, teachers provide the same opportunities and attention to children with disabilities, special needs, etc. in the classroom as they do to students who are male or female.

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