A Critical Analysis of Power Dynamics in Bullying Discourse of the Film Bully


Quratulain Qaiser
Dr. Muhammad Akbar Khan
Shamaila Hassan


The purpose of this study is to evaluate power dynamics in bullying discourse from a critical perspective. This study is an orientation research. For the purpose of research a short film called "Bully" is taken. Since the film is in video format, the entire film has been transcribed. Throughout the data collection procedure, the researchers repeatedly watched the film and noted statements that highlighted power dynamics, societal norms connected to bullying, and societal injustices. Following the collection of these sentences, the Fairclough 3D model is applied to the critically selected sentences. The main social issue that the short tale "Bully" illustrates is the uneven power dynamics that exist between the students, the person who is being bullied, and his group of peers who are the ones causing the persecution, which is referred to as the social injustice in the story. But it's been noted that society makes it more difficult to address this social injustice. The community continues to hold the view that it is acceptable to oppress people who have less authority. Those who realize this is something wrong happening in society initially attempt to resist, but eventually give in to the unfair system because they begin to believe that the only way to survive in such a community is to become like them (the oppressive ones).


How to Cite
Qaiser, Q. , Khan, M.A. and Hassan, S. 2024. A Critical Analysis of Power Dynamics in Bullying Discourse of the Film Bully. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 136–143. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00215.


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