Analysis of Education for All Program Plan in Educational Policies of Pakistan (1990-2020)


Zafar Iqbal Anjum
Dr. Jam Muhammad Zafar


In today's world, knowledge is a weapon of strength and may prove to be a necessary component of active participation in social life. UNESCO has made it a priority to eradicate illiteracy from the world and it is one of the major objectives from prescribed six for Education for All (EFA) program under the working group of The Dakar Framework of Action. The purpose of this article is to examine the efforts with multiple steps made by Pakistan since many years to combat illiteracy as a signatory to the global EFA movement. Another objective of this article is to paint an exact and realistic image of the country's literacy scenario and the long span efforts to improve it following the launch of this program in Pakistan.In Pakistan, one of the main issues is that people are not literate broadly. The situation of illiteracy in Pakistan is at dire level and despite the fact that various governments have declared several programs to promote literacy; the situation remains dire due to a variety of political, social, and economic complications. Keeping in view the significance of basic education as well as literacy, Pakistan has been engaged by worldwide community in a variety of measures to facilitate extensive discussions with prime actors of EFA Program.


How to Cite
Anjum, Z.I. and Zafar, J.M. 2024. Analysis of Education for All Program Plan in Educational Policies of Pakistan (1990-2020). Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 283–288. DOI:


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