A Research Study of the Allocated Tasks of Females in the Era of the Prophet ﷺ and the Cohorts


Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Abrar Awan
Dr Muhammad Raghib Hussain
Naveed Ur Rehman
Siddiqua Aslam Qureshi
Muhammad Jawad Abrar


Islam has given a high position to women which no other religion has given. If the teachings of different religions and laws of the world are associated with this new unique and noble role of Islam, which Islam has given to the dignity and respect of women. Restoration, giving it a proper place in human society, rescuing it from oppressive laws, unjust customs and men's selfishness, egotism and arrogance, then the eyes of the objectors will be opened, and an educated and faithful person will have to bow his head in recognition and respect. In Islam, the position of a Muslim woman is high and influential, and she has been blessed with countless rights. ALLAH exalted the woman, but ignorant people made her a toy of flame and play. The records of history show that in every era, women suffered sufferings and carnages, and how brutally they were thrown into what kind of low places, but when the cloud of mercy of Islam came, the status of women changed at once.


How to Cite
Awan, H.M.A. , Hussain, M.R. , Rehman, N.U. , Qureshi, S.A. and Abrar, M.J. 2024. A Research Study of the Allocated Tasks of Females in the Era of the Prophet ﷺ and the Cohorts. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 318–325. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00238.


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