Factors Influencing ESL Teaching: Perspectives from Secondary Educators in Hyderabad, Pakistan


Bibi Khadija
Natasha Ghafar
Nadia Khan
Muslim Khan


This research is based upon a qualitative research approach in teaching English as a second language (ESL) in secondary schools in Hyderabad city of Pakistan. This paper discusses the obstacles that the 15 ESL teachers face as revealed in the semi-structured interview about outdated curricula, lack of available resources, ungeared teacher training, the lack of support from the school administrators, socio-cultural disparities, motivation levels of the students and the constant challenges involved in keeping the non -native speaking ESL teachers afloat. The results are generally in line with previous work and a clear indication of the need for broad-based change to enhance the quality of ESL education. Accordingly, recommendations were made for evolving curricular developments, enriching resources, ongoing teacher professional development, and institutional support to mitigate these challenges and shore up ESL teachers


How to Cite
Khadija, B. , Ghafar, N. , Khan, N. and Khan, M. 2024. Factors Influencing ESL Teaching: Perspectives from Secondary Educators in Hyderabad, Pakistan. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 334–341. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00240.


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