Investigating the Causes of Dropout in BS Programs: Insights From Public Sector Universities
The present study investigates the causes of dropout in 4-year Degree Programs in public sector Universities of Punjab, focusing on the factors contributing to phenomenon. The research adopts a Mixed Methods Research approach, utilizing the Concurrent Triangulation Design to balance the strengths and weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data were gathered through questionnaires distributed to 1,290 participants, including students, teachers, and dropouts, while qualitative data were collected via interviews with 24 dropouts. The findings indicate that content-related challenges, economic constraints, and unsupportive institutional environments significantly contribute to dropout rate. The study reveals that the complexity and volume of course content, unaffordable fee structures, inadequate physical resources, and unfavorable social circumstances are major deterrents to student retention. Notably, the qualitative insights underscore the critical impact of financial difficulties, negative teacher-student interactions, and insufficient university facilities on students' decisions to discontinue their education. The study recommends revising academic curriculums, providing financial support, improving institutional infrastructure, and enhancing teacher support services to address these issues.
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