An Ideological Critical Discourse Analytical Research Probe into the Bold Language Use in Women’s Freedom March in Pakistan


Adsa Parvin
Muhammad Sabboor Hussain
Muhammad Aqeel


Language plays an important role in expressing thoughts and ideas. Hidden meanings can be conveyed through language. This study is about the use of bold language in the women`s freedom march in Pakistan, contrasting it with Islamic and eastern cultural values. Sapir and Whorf's theory and Halliday's perspective on language functions are drawn into this study. Fairclough`s 3D Model of CDA is employed as an analytical framework to uncover the ideological foundations of bold language used in this women freedom march. The aim of the research study is to uncover the hidden meanings and societal layers of the language used in the march from the Islamic perspective. The study bridges the unheeded gap in discourse analysis by bringing in verses from The Holy Quran adding spiritual dimension to Fairclough's three dimensional model. It sheds light on women's representation and their modesty amidst the contextual spiritual-socio-cultural complexities. This study also highlights the hindrances and obstacles to this march from religious groups as they claim Pakistan is based on Islamic values. The study conducts valuable discussion on the plight of women's socio-political conditions in Pakistan. The study gives insights into the cultural and ethical values, the language users’ hidden ideology and women`s representation in communal discourses.


How to Cite
Parvin, A., Sabboor Hussain, M. and Aqeel, M. 2024. An Ideological Critical Discourse Analytical Research Probe into the Bold Language Use in Women’s Freedom March in Pakistan. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 618–626. DOI:


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