The Psychological and Behavioral Mechanisms of Online Gambling Game Addiction: A Comparative Study of Cognitive Biases, Reward Systems, and Intervention Strategies


Nazia Parveen
Sidra Ahsen
Hafiz Muhammad Hassaan
Motasem Mirza
Safdar Iqbal


This study investigates the psychological and behavioral mechanisms underpinning online gambling addiction among university students, with a focus on cognitive biases, reinforcement schedules, and intervention strategies. The primary aim was to assess how cognitive biases, specifically the illusion of control and gamblers' fallacy, affect gambling behavior and to evaluate the effectiveness of various intervention methods. Utilizing a quantitative research design, the study surveyed 300 university students from the Punjab region engaged in online gambling. Data were collected through structured online questionnaires that measured cognitive biases, reinforcement schedules, and perceptions of intervention strategies, using validated scales for cognitive biases, variable ratio reinforcement schedules, immediate feedback, and the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), self-exclusion programs, and technological monitoring tools. Reliability was ensured through Cronbach’s alpha analysis. The results demonstrated that cognitive biases such as the illusion of control and gamblers' fallacy significantly contribute to increased gambling behavior. Reinforcement schedules and immediate feedback were found to strongly enhance gambling behavior. Intervention strategies revealed that technological monitoring tools and self-exclusion programs were effective in reducing gambling behaviors, whereas CBT did not show a significant impact, indicating a need for refinement or alternative approaches. These findings underscore the importance of understanding psychological mechanisms and the efficacy of interventions, suggesting that a combination of effective strategies and improved CBT methods are essential for developing comprehensive solutions to gambling addiction.


How to Cite
Parveen, N. , Ahsen, S. , Hassaan, H.M. , Mirza, M. and Iqbal, S. 2024. The Psychological and Behavioral Mechanisms of Online Gambling Game Addiction: A Comparative Study of Cognitive Biases, Reward Systems, and Intervention Strategies. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 776–787. DOI:


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