Inclusivity at the Helm: The Influence of Diverse Boards on Sustainability Reporting


Quratulain Nazeer Ahmed
Syed Aamir Alam Rizvi
Dr.Hasan Raza
Muhammad Imran
Himani Navin


Sustainability disclosures are essential for fostering accountability, transparency, and ethical company conduct. This research is carried out to examine the effect of board diversity on the sustainable disclosures of a firm measured. Environmental Reporting Score (ER Score) and Social Score (S Score) measure the sustainability disclosures. At the same time, board diversity is measured concerning gender, religion, and independence. To get precise results, we also included some control variables that could have impacted the disclosures, like auditor type, size, profitability, growth, and a firm's financial leverage. We used a sample of the KSE100 index companies, and Tobit regression analysis was applied. The study's results postulate that firms with a larger board of directors, lesser religious diversity, employing big audit firms, and lower financial leverage tend to have more environmental disclosures.


How to Cite
Ahmed, Q.N. , Rizvi, S.A.A. , Raza, H. , Imran, M. and Navin, H. 2024. Inclusivity at the Helm: The Influence of Diverse Boards on Sustainability Reporting. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 853–865. DOI:


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  35. Omnamasivaya, B., & Prasad, M. S. V. (2016b). The Influence of Financial Performance on Environmental Accounting Disclosure Practices in India: Empirical Evidence from BSE. IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices.
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  38. Shafi, M., Liu, J., & Ren, W. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on micro, small, and medium-sized Enterprises operating in Pakistan. Research in Globalization, 2, 100018.
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  40. Sinicropi, S., & Cortese, D. (2021). (Re)Thinking diversity within sustainable development: A systematic mapping study. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(1), 299–309.
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  43. Veronica Siregar, S., & Bachtiar, Y. (2010). Corporate social reporting: Empirical evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 3(3), 241–252.
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  47. Xin, Z., Tahajuddin, S., Lajuni, N., Bosi, M. K., & Hiung, A. L. C. (2020). Internal Stakeholders' Pressure on Environmental Accounting Reporting in SMEs in Shanxi Province, China. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences.
  48. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179–211. DOI:
  49. Alazzani, A., Hassanein, A., & Aljanadi, Y. (2017). Impact of gender diversity on social and environmental performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Corporate Governance (Bingley). DOI:
  50. Al-Tuwaijri, S. A., Christensen, T. E., & Hughes, K. E. (2004). The relations among environmental disclosure, environmental performance, and economic performance: A simultaneous equations approach. Accounting, Organizations, and Society. DOI:
  51. Andrikopoulos, A., & Kriklani, N. (2013). Environmental Disclosure and Financial Characteristics of the Firm: The Case of Denmark. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 20(1), 55–64. DOI:
  52. Arif, H. M., & Tuhin, M. H. (2013). Disclosure of Non-Financial Information Voluntarily in the Annual Report of Financial Institutions: A Study on Listed Banks of Bangladesh. European Journal of Business and Economics. DOI:
  53. Asika, R. (2022). Leverage and Social Sustainability Reporting on Listed Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria. 8(3), 1–14.
  54. Barakat, F. S. Q., López Pérez, M. V., & Rodríguez Ariza, L. (2015). Corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) determinants of listed companies in Palestine (PXE) and Jordan (ASE). Review of Managerial Science. DOI:
  55. Barako, D. G., & Brown, A. M. (2008). Corporate social reporting and board representation: Evidence from the Kenyan banking sector. Journal of Management and Governance, 12(4), 309–324. DOI:
  56. Basalamah, A. S., & Jermias, J. (2005). Social and Environmental Reporting and Auditing in Indonesia. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 7(1), 109–127. DOI:
  57. Bayeh, E. (2016a). The role of empowering women and achieving gender equality in the sustainable development of Ethiopia. Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences.
  58. Bayeh, E. (2016b). The role of empowering women and achieving gender equality in the sustainable development of Ethiopia. Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 37–42. DOI:
  59. Che Ahmad, A., Osazuwa, N., & Mgbame, C. (2015). Environmental Accounting and Firm Profitability in Nigeria: Do Firm-Specific Effects Matter? IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices.
  60. De Masi, S., Słomka-Gołębiowska, A., Becagli, C., & Paci, A. (2021). Toward sustainable corporate behavior: The effect of the critical mass of female directors on environmental, social, and governance disclosure. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(4), 1865–1878. DOI:
  61. Ellili, N. O. D., & Nobanee, H. (2022). Impact of economic, environmental, and corporate social responsibility reporting on financial performance of UAE banks. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 0123456789. DOI:
  62. Ezeagba, C. E., Rachael, J.-A. C., & Chiamaka, U. (2017). Environmental Accounting Disclosures and Financial Performance: A Study of Selected Food and Beverage Companies in Nigeria (2006-2015). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. DOI:
  63. Gallardo-Vázquez, D., Junior, F. H., Gabriel, M. L. D. da S., & Valdez-Juárez, L. E. (2021). On earth as it is in heaven: Proxy measurements to assess sustainable development goals at the company level through CSR indicators. Sustainability (Switzerland). DOI:
  64. Goni, F. A., Shukor, S. A., Mukhtar, M., & Sahran, S. (2015). Environmental sustainability: Research growth and trends. Advanced Science Letters, 21(2), 192–195. DOI:
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  66. Hecht, J. E. (2007). 2 A brief history of environmental accounting. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 1(1), 7–13. DOI:
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  68. Jones, M. J. (2010). Accounting for the environment: Towards a theoretical perspective for environmental accounting and reporting. Accounting Forum. DOI:
  69. Kuhlman, T., & Farrington, J. (2010). What is sustainability? In Sustainability. DOI:
  70. Kwarto, F., Nurafiah, N., Suharman, H., & Dahlan, M. (2022). The potential bias for sustainability reporting of global upstream oil and gas companies: A systematic literature review of the evidence. Management Review Quarterly, 1. DOI:
  71. Latif, R. A., Yahya, N. H., Mohd, K. N. T., Kamardin, H., & Ariffin, A. H. M. (2020). The influence of board diversity on environmental disclosures and sustainability performance in Malaysia. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy. DOI:
  72. Lima Ribeiro, V. P., & AibarGuzman, C. (2010). Determinants of environmental accounting practices in local entities: Evidence from Portugal. Social Responsibility Journal. DOI:
  73. Magness, V. (2006). Strategic posture, financial performance and environmental disclosure: An empirical test of legitimacy theory. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. DOI:
  74. Mitchell Williams, S. (1999). Voluntary environmental and social accounting disclosure practices in the Asia-Pacific region: An international empirical test of political economy theory. International Journal of Accounting. DOI:
  75. Mohammad Rabi, A. (2019). Board Characteristics and Environmental Disclosure: Evidence from Jordan. International Journal of Business and Management. DOI:
  76. Mohd-Said, R., Shen, L. T., Nahar, H. S., & Senik, R. (2018). Board compositions and social reporting: Evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting, 10(2), 128–143. DOI:
  77. Mukherjee, A., Kamarulzaman, N. H., Vijayan, G., & Vaiappuri, S. K. N. (2016). Sustainability: A comprehensive literature. In Handbook of Research on Global Supply Chain Management. DOI:
  78. Nguyen, L. S., & Tran, M. D. (2019). Disclosure levels of environmental accounting information and financial performance: The case of Vietnam. Management Science Letters. DOI:
  79. Nguyen, L. S., Tran, M. D., Hong Nguyen, T. X., & Le, Q. H. (2017). Factors Affecting Disclosure Levels of Environmental Accounting Information: The Case of Vietnam. Accounting and Finance Research. DOI:
  80. NI, T. (2017). Disclosure of the Environmental Accounting Information Research. DEStech Transactions on Economics, Business and Management. DOI:
  81. Omnamasivaya, B., & Prasad, M. S. V. (2016a). Factors Influencing Environmental Accounting and Disclosure Practices in India: Empirical Evidence from NIFTY Companies. IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices.
  82. Omnamasivaya, B., & Prasad, M. S. V. (2016b). The Influence of Financial Performance on Environmental Accounting Disclosure Practices in India: Empirical Evidence from BSE. IUP Journal of Accounting Research & Audit Practices. DOI:
  83. Pimpa, N. (2019). How do mining companies promote gender equality through sustainable development? Cogent Business and Management, 6(1). DOI:
  84. Ramsden, J. J. (2010). What is sustainability? Nanotechnology Perceptions, 6(3), 179–195. DOI:
  85. Shafi, M., Liu, J., & Ren, W. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on micro, small, and medium-sized Enterprises operating in Pakistan. Research in Globalization, 2, 100018. DOI:
  86. Sidibé, M. (2016). Religion and Sustainable Development. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/15570274.2016.1215848, 14(3), 1–4. DOI:
  87. Sinicropi, S., & Cortese, D. (2021). (Re)Thinking diversity within sustainable development: A systematic mapping study. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(1), 299–309. DOI:
  88. System of Environmental Economic Accounting |. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2022, from
  89. The environmental issues in Pakistan—The Frontier Post. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from
  90. Veronica Siregar, S., & Bachtiar, Y. (2010). Corporate social reporting: Empirical evidence from Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 3(3), 241–252. DOI:
  91. What is Board Independence | IGI Global. (n.d.). Retrieved July 17, 2022, from
  92. Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver of Innovation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2022, from
  93. Wulf, C. (2013). Human development in a globalized world. Education towards peace, cultural diversity, and sustainable development. Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, 71(254), 71–86. DOI:
  94. Xin, Z., Tahajuddin, S., Lajuni, N., Bosi, M. K., & Hiung, A. L. C. (2020). Internal Stakeholders' Pressure on Environmental Accounting Reporting in SMEs in Shanxi Province, China. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences. DOI: