National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan in Light of Teaching of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)


Saima Mushtaq
Dr. Muhammad Tahir Mustafa
Dr. Abdulghaffar


Education play a vital role in national development. National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan will prove a mile stone in educational development. These standards are necessary for every teacher to improve his teaching style and strategy. In Quran, Allah states that prophets are obliged to deliver His messages and describes prophets as an "instructor and trainer. Prophet was a teacher and his duty was to deliver the message of God. Indeed, the Prophet himself emphasized that his primary duty as a Prophet was to teach by saying, "I have been sent only as a teacher to you." To explain his duty, he also said, "I have been sent only to complete moral virtues."So we as Muslim should follow His (PBUH) methods of teaching.


How to Cite
Mushtaq, S. , Mustafa, D.M.T. and Dr. Abdulghaffar 2021. National Professional Standards for Teachers in Pakistan in Light of Teaching of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). Journal of Policy Research. 7, 2 (Jun. 2021), 8–18.

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