Representation of Islam through Western Media and Its Impact on Contemporary World


Dr. Muhammad Tahir Mustafa
Dr. Ihsan ur Rehman Ghauri
Saima Mushtaq


World has seen the power full effects of media in the world. Today media is touching every aspect of our life. Today western media is considered as fulfilling the agendas of the “western world”. West, with little understanding of Islamic history, values social system and core of social system has identified a new enemy, “radical Islam", a stereotype common to Western thought, portraying Muslims as fundamentalists and terrorists. The relationship of Islam and violence is a common false impression that the western community has developed about Islam. Western community gets their information from media, so media is presenting a dark side of Muslims around the world.


How to Cite
Mustafa, D.M.T., Ghauri, D.I. ur R. and Mushtaq, S. 2021. Representation of Islam through Western Media and Its Impact on Contemporary World. Journal of Policy Research. 7, 1 (Mar. 2021), 1–7.

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