Exploration of Embitterment among University Students: A Qualitative Study


Zartashia Kynat Javaid
Khalid Mahmood


Positive and negative feelings are felt by all of us in our lives. When an individual goes through an unjust, personal humiliating or hurtful event which results in psychological stress and even strong urge for revenge, the individual is suffering from embitterment (Linden, 2003). Students play vital role in make or break of any society. It is essential to address the emotional disturbances they might have. Current study explores the phenomenon of Embitterment in university students. Data was collected from students using Semi structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis. Assessment of happenings in life of students, negative impacts of bad happenings and unfairness, positive and negative reactions to unfair behavior and ways to overcome it are discussed. It was concluded that if events in students’ life are looked into carefully then possible reactions can be identified. This way it leads to have more control on embittered mind and solutions can be found. This study will contribute in helping students for friendly atmosphere to grow academically and have a better life in general.


How to Cite
Javaid, Z.K. and Mahmood, K. 2023. Exploration of Embitterment among University Students: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 3 (Sep. 2023), 124–129. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00005.


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