Emotional Intelligence and Aggression among Young Adults: A Systematic Review


Zartashia Kynat Javaid
Asna Saleem
Nayab Razia


The aim of this study is to analyze the relation between emotional intelligence and aggression among adults, focusing on how these two factors influence each other and impact relationships, personal growth, and well-being. The interplay between emotional intelligence and aggression provides insights after comprehensive review of ten studies articles. This study seeks to develop effective strategies for young adults to manage their emotions, reduce aggression, and enhance conflict resolution skills. This review examined the research designs employed, the methods utilized to quantify the construct of emotional intelligence and aggression among young adults, and the key conclusions that can be made from these studies among young adults. Developing emotional intelligence and managing aggression in young adults is crucial for their overall well-being, social connections, and personal growth. Emotional intelligence helps young adults cultivate essential skills like effective communication, self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy, enabling them to navigate relationships, conflicts, and challenges more successfully. By being emotionally intelligent, young adults can better understand and manage their own emotions, as well as respond appropriately to the emotions of others, leading to more harmonious relationships, improved mental health, and a more positive outlook on life. This review will help adults, their parents and policy makers to induce emotionally intelligent overlook and less aggressiveness.


How to Cite
Javaid, Z.K. , Saleem, A. , Razia, N. and Ayesha 2024. Emotional Intelligence and Aggression among Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 361–369. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00243.


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