Discourse on the Durkheimian Tradition in Political Sociology


Rabia Munawar
Ahmad Raza


This paper examines the understanding of Durkheimian tradition in political sociology. It explores different elements of Durkheimian analysis ranging from social solidarity, anomie, religious experience, and structure functionalism. Durkheim's theories have a significant influence on social scientific research, particularly in sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies. He has emphasized structural functionalism, morality, social cohesion, and religious influence on social institutions. He has given scholars a useful foundation for comprehending today's social problems and cultural practices. In this paper, we also explore criticism faced by Durkheim’s concepts by other researchers


Author Biography

Rabia Munawar, MPhil Scholar, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Management and Technology Lahore

M.Phil Scholar of Sociology at Department of Sociology

How to Cite
Munawar, R. and Raza, A. 2023. Discourse on the Durkheimian Tradition in Political Sociology. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 4 (Dec. 2023), 39–46. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00124.


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