An Empirical Investigation of Sustainable Packaging Purchase Intention in Pakistan


Hafiza Sobia Tufail
Sidra Ramzan
Fahad Javed Baig
Waqas Baig
Fasiha Nargis


The concept of sustainability is becoming more widely discussed in daily conversations, and more people are adopting sustainable lifestyles. The main objective of this study is to determine the reason for (motivator), reason against (barrier) influencing consumer values (ascription of responsibility), attitude, and purchase intention toward sustainable packaged products. The study uses the “Behavioural reasoning theory” as underpinning foundations to find the consumers’ intention toward sustainable packaged products. The data was collected through a questionnaire from the university students who were enrolled in the MBA program. The survey was conducted online and on paper. There were 850 questionnaires distributed in all; the final sample size, with a 72% response rate, was determined by excluding invalid responses from the 580 questionnaires. PLS-SAM was used for data analysis. The finding of this study discussed that reason for (environmental concern and health consciousness) has a positive impact on consumer attitude and sustainable product purchase intention.  Similarly, the results of this study explained that reason against (information barrier and perceived price) has negative impact on consumer attitude and sustainable packaging product purchase intention. Finally, the results of this study showed that the ascription of responsibility positively influenced attitude and reason for toward sustainable packaging products and negatively influenced on reason against toward sustainable packaging product purchase intention. Additionally, marketers can apply these findings both theoretically and practically.


How to Cite
Sobia Tufail, H., Ramzan, .S., Javed Baig, F., Baig, W. and Nargis, F. 2023. An Empirical Investigation of Sustainable Packaging Purchase Intention in Pakistan. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 4 (Dec. 2023), 264–275. DOI:


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