The Evolution and Review of Regulatory Changes on Emerging Asian Mutual Fund Industry Post-Global Financial Crisis


Suresh Kumar
Hyder Ali
Muhammad Asim
Waseem Sajjad


The proposed research paper aims to explore the significant transformations in the mutual fund industry following the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, with a particular focus on regulatory changes and their effects on mutual fund performance and investor confidence. The study will examine how new liquidity related regulations, such as enhanced liquidity-related disclosures, have contributed to the industry's resilience and growth. Additionally, the paper will analyze the disparity in mutual fund objectives and compositions across different regions, specifically comparing the dominant markets of the United States, and Emerging Asian, markets. By investigating the evolution of open-ended and exchange-traded funds as the fastest-growing investment vehicles post-crisis, this research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future prospects of the global mutual fund industry.


How to Cite
Kumar, S. , Ali, H. , Asim, M. and Sajjad, W. 2024. The Evolution and Review of Regulatory Changes on Emerging Asian Mutual Fund Industry Post-Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 127–135. DOI:


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