Flipped Classroom: Promoting Active Learning on Students’ Engagement At A Higher Level


Bushra Ajmal
Marium Ansari
Dr Samina Akhtar


This study is based on flipped classroom: promoting active learning on students’ engagement at a higher level. The objectives of this study is to analyze the impact of flipped classroom on students’ engagement to promote active learning from perception of students. Also, investigate the impact of flipped classroom in promoting active learning on the basis of gender comparison as well as examine the role of technology in enhancing students’ engagement and active learning in flipped classroom. Quantitative research design is used to investigate the study. Population of the study were three public sector universities in Multan district. Sample size of the study were 365 students from social sciences departments. SPSS used for statistical analysis to obtain data using different inferential statistics as Independent Samples t-Test. On the basis of analysis, findings of the study shows that flipped classroom promoting active learning on students’ engagement at a higher level. Results also implies that students' levels of engagement in flipped classroom learning may be influenced by their gender. It was recommended that flipped classroom encouraged educators to promote active learning and increased level of students’ engagement.


How to Cite
Ajmal, B. , Ansari, M. and Akhtar, S. 2024. Flipped Classroom: Promoting Active Learning on Students’ Engagement At A Higher Level. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 383–390. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00245.


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