Teachers’ Insight: Evaluating Academic Culture in Today’s Schools


Najam us Sahar
Marium Ansari
Rabiah Mohyuddin
Mamoona Arzoo


The primary objective of this research investigation was to analyze the current academic culture of schools from the perception of teachers. In addition, academic culture, its qualities, and its effects on student motivation, engagement, and achievement are also investigated. The population of the study comprised of public and private schools in Jhang district, Punjab, Pakistan. The Sample of the study consisted of 101 teachers selected through stratified sampling technique. A Self-designed questionnaire consisting was used for the purpose of data collection. Data was analyzed using SPSS, for inferential statistics, ANOVA test was applied and for descriptive statistics mean and standard deviation was used. The results indicate that academic culture affects student success, thus schools should prioritize its development and maintenance. Schools can promote lifelong learning, social and emotional growth, and academic performance by creating a positive academic culture.


How to Cite
Sahar, N. us, Ansari, M. , Mohyuddin, R. and Arzoo, M. 2024. Teachers’ Insight: Evaluating Academic Culture in Today’s Schools. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 599–606. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00274.


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