Investigates WTO Legislation: Its Variety and Complexity


Naheeda Ali


This study analyses the core principles, rules, and organizational structure of the World Trade Organisation that make up the complex field of WTO jurisprudence. Furthermore, it delves into the complex and specialized aspects of WTO law, providing lucid explanations on several subjects related to the intersection between international commerce and legal doctrines. The underlying concepts of fair trade and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are given special importance, focusing on legal pluralism and non-discrimination issues. By thoroughly analyzing the many aspects of WTO law, this article significantly enhances our understanding of international trade regulation, trade change, and existing clearances.


How to Cite
Ali, N. 2024. Investigates WTO Legislation: Its Variety and Complexity. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 447–452. DOI:


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