Board Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Quality


Waseem Subhani
Ali Amin
Muhammad Azeem Naz
Muhammad Umair Nazir
Nasir Sultan


We analyze the impact of board gender diversity on financial reporting quality using Kanter’s framework of group composition. Specifically, we classify boards into skewed, tilted, and balanced categories, and examine how each type influences reporting quality. Using ordinary least squares regression for hypothesis testing and, for robustness, apply critical mass theory and the generalized method of moments estimation. Our findings indicate that gender diversity is positively associated with financial reporting quality. Notably, highest influence is observed in balanced boards with more than 35% female directors. Furthermore, female directors’ presence in audit committee increases financial reporting quality. Overall, our results support Kanter’s framework and critical mass theory, underscoring their significant positive influence.


How to Cite
Subhani, W., Amin, A., Azeem Naz, M., Umair Nazir, M. and Sultan, N. 2024. Board Gender Diversity and Financial Reporting Quality. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 607–617. DOI:


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