Policy Perspective of Special Education Teachers Regarding Quality of Work Life


Dr. Muhammad Akram
Dr. Rozina Sewani
Dr. Nazir Ahmad


The study aimed to explore policy-related factors that affect the quality of teachers’ work lives in special education schools through teachers’ perspectives. Quality of teachers’ work life is defined as the overall well-being, satisfaction, and fulfillment that individuals experience in their work environment. The study used a qualitative approach involving the phenomenological design, which focused on the lived experiences of the participants about the phenomenon. The study involved 15 senior special education teachers who were purposefully sampled to collect the data through in-depth semi-structured interviews to measure the quality of work life in special education schools in Punjab. The study explored different factors such as class environment, supportive administration policy, professional development, collaborative work culture, recognition and appreciation of teachers’ efforts, emotional support and self-care, and parent and community involvement that affected the quality of work life of special education teachers. The study further also identified different policy measures required to be taken, such as updating the quality of teacher preparation programs, incentives for teachers, professional development, inclusive school policies, and career pathways and advancement opportunities for improving the quality of teachers’ work lives. The given study also added suggestions.


How to Cite
Akram, M. , Sewani, R. and Ahmad, N. 2024. Policy Perspective of Special Education Teachers Regarding Quality of Work Life . Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 658–665. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00282.


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