The Personal and In-Store Factors Influencing Impulse Buying Behavior


Kehkashan Nizam
Ahmed Ali
Irfan Iqbal
Muhammad Akram


The study aims to determine the influence of personal factors (i.e., money availability, time availability, family influence) on customer's impulse buying behavior in the Pakistan retail industry. Additionally, the study seeks to determine the influence of in-store factors (i.e., store environment, promotional activities, product attributes) on customer's impulse buying behavior in the Pakistan retail industry. Data was collected through an online survey questionnaire from Karachi, Pakistan, with a sample size of 305 respondents. The hypotheses were tested using SPSS and PLS-SEM statistical techniques. The study found a significant relationship between the examined factors—money availability, time availability, family influence, store environment, promotional activities, and product attributes—and impulse buying behavior. The results supported hypotheses H1 to H6, indicating that both personal and in-store factors significantly influence impulse buying behavior. This research contributes to the understanding of impulse buying behavior in the context of the Pakistan retail industry. By identifying key personal and in-store factors that drive impulse purchases, the study provides valuable insights for retail marketers to develop strategies that attract and retain customers, ultimately enhancing business performance.


How to Cite
Nizam, K. , Ali, A. , Iqbal, I. and Akram, M. 2024. The Personal and In-Store Factors Influencing Impulse Buying Behavior . Journal of Policy Research. 10, 3 (Sep. 2024), 192–212. DOI:


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