Challenging Assumptions about Women’s Empowerment and Economic Resources and Domestic Violence among Young Married Women in India


Marc Audi
Razan Al-Masri
Chan Bibi


The research has documented the extensive prevalence of spousal violence in India little is known about specific risk or protective factors. This study examines the relationships that are often observed to be social and economic resources for women and the occurrence of domestic violence. Over half (56%) of the study participants reported having ever experienced physical spousal violence; about a quarter (27%) reported violence. Based on our study and research, it is clear that India has to do some structural reforms and efforts to help women empower themselves through vocational training, employment opportunities, and social groups.


How to Cite
Audi, M., Al-Masri, R. and Bibi, C. 2022. Challenging Assumptions about Women’s Empowerment and Economic Resources and Domestic Violence among Young Married Women in India. Journal of Policy Research. 8, 2 (Aug. 2022), 23–33. DOI: