Takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban: Analysis of Newspapers’ Frames and Foreign Office Statements


Ahsan Syed
Dr Saqib Riaz


This paper reflects the existing scholarly debate on media-foreign policy relationship and its application, in varying circumstances, on Afghanistan under the guise of Galtung’s War and Peace Journalism model. The Researcher quantitatively analyzed, The New York Times and Moscow Times from 15th August 2020 to 15th August 2022 (one year before and one year after Kabul’s takeover by Taliban) in the backdrop of foreign policy statements. The New York Times remained stuck to War Journalism with respect to Afghan Taliban during both time periods (pre and post Kabul takeover periods). However, Foreign office statements of US shifted from War Journalism (during pre-Kabul takeover period) to Peace Journalism (during after takeover period). Contrary to this, coverage of Moscow Times changed from War Journalism (during pre-takeover period) to Peace Journalism (during post takeover period) amid peace dominated Russian Foreign office statements during both time periods.


How to Cite
Syed, A. and Riaz, S. 2023. Takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban: Analysis of Newspapers’ Frames and Foreign Office Statements. Journal of Policy Research. 9, 4 (Dec. 2023), 328–337. DOI:https://doi.org/10.61506/02.00156.


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