Relationship of Leadership Attributes and Motivational Factors with Job Performance of Teachers


Sidrah Pervaiz Butt
Dr. Muhammad Naveed Jabbar
Muhammad Nawaz


In the modern era leadership plays a vital role for the development of the educational institution by performing numerous management activities. To achieve this objective, the leader focuses on the enhancement of the competencies and motivate the employees for better performance. The major objective of this research was to determine the relationship between leadership attributes and motivational factors affecting job performance of academic staff. This study was quantitative based on correlational research design. The population was comprised of the public secondary school teachers in Lahore. Simple random sampling technique was administered to select the sample of this study which was 283. The primary data was collected by using a self-administered questionnaire through survey method whereas, for analysis of data Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was administered. The results of the study revealed that there was moderate relationship of leadership attributes with motivational factors and job performance while there was also significant correlation between leadership attributes and motivational factors. Furthermore, there was a significant effect of leadership attributes and motivational factors on job performance. This study is beneficial for the heads, management staff and academicians to adopt innovative techniques and strategies for the enhancement of teaching-learning process by rendering the supportive workplace environment. 


How to Cite
Butt, S.P. , Jabbar, M.N. and Nawaz, M. 2024. Relationship of Leadership Attributes and Motivational Factors with Job Performance of Teachers. Journal of Policy Research. 10, 2 (Jun. 2024), 491–496. DOI:


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